Netflix queue sign in
Netflix queue sign in

netflix queue sign in netflix queue sign in

There is also not a single identifiable piece of Netflix signage on anything out front - not a nameplate or a flash of Netflix red, and certainly not any corporate logos. The building is intentionally disguised, dumpy and drab, the warehouse tucked behind another office building closer to the street. (Even Netflix employees are asked to use the post office for Netflix returns.) Before I explain why, a bit more on the warehouse itself: Despite having an address, I drove past it a few times. This will not help get your next disc out faster - and neither will dropping a disc in the mail early in the morning. 2, Netflix has grown leery of what happens when customers learn the location of a warehouse - they drop off DVDs at the door. 1, each holds several million DVDs, not to mention expensive mail-sorting gizmos and dry-board posted statistics on how many discs were recently returned damaged, placed in the wrong sleeve or scratched. Its biggest secret remains the warehouses themselves - for two reasons. (According to the company's quarterly financial report, it saw a 21 percent jump in revenue, one of the few major companies that appear recession-proof.) But as Vice President of Communications Steve Swasey explained, the company is so far ahead of its competition in the DVD-by-mail market, including Blockbuster (which Netflix sued for patent infringement), that guarding secrets has been less of a concern these days. Netflix, based in Los Gatos, Calif., is big on stealth - and has been since launching 11 years ago. You can tell people where you work, just not exactly where. (In exchange for a visit, I agreed not to divulge the precise spot or let slip a few trade secrets, none of which struck me as remarkable.) If you work at this warehouse, you have signed a confidentiality agreement that you will not divulge its location. The warehouse is indeed in a random office park, resplendent in shades of gray and cream.

Netflix queue sign in